Paige and friends early winter 2012
Hey Guys! Happy New year! It'south been a great start to the ski race season here in northern Vermont! The snow is smashing and I have been preparation at Burke on hard, fast snow. I really dear it here at my school. It is so cool that I go to ski with great ski racers every day in training. It really pushes me to exist the best I can exist every unmarried day.

I recently finished a Development Campsite at Burke. It was really productive and I learned a lot. I have been invited to the Eastern Regional Speed Camp at Stowe, Vermont in mid-Jan and that should be great. We don't have as much speed preparation/racing out here in the east as they exercise out west at the U16 level, then I am excited to get the fourth dimension on snow and teaching this camp volition provide.
My outset Northern Vermont Council race is next week at Cochran's…slalom – cantankerous your fingers for me! I am excited – just also a scrap nervous (as always) – for the beginning race of the flavour.
Hope anybody is having as much fun ski racing as I am! Remember snow and ski fast! Until next time…..

.)) Paige Lorenze

Hey guys! The fall went past so fast its incredible! I have been working extremely hard to gain force for ski season and I am really happy with my results. I've gained a lot of muscle mass and I'm hoping my hard work during dry out state will pay off this flavor. I've been in Colorado for the by week and a half and it is SO Keen!! I have been working with Kirk Dwyer, Mikaela Shiffrin's old motorbus, and he is the almost amazing motorcoach. I experience so lucky to exist able to work with him. I'm working on not rotating in the plough and making a movement with my hips – just trying to make my skiing simpler.

November in Colorado is astonishing – so many friends from dissimilar schools/programs are here training. This trip I met fellow SRD squad fellow member Sofia Yubero. She is an incredible skier and an crawly person! It was fun to be able to hang out with her.

Nosotros have already gotten snow back home and they are bravado snow on the mount. So psyched to be able to ski when I get home!

Happy ski season and Good Luck!

.)) Paige Lorenze

Hey guys! Wow, I oasis't blogged in awhile – sorry! The summer just flew past. I had a swell time at home with my friends. Lots of wakeboarding, waterskiing, and time chilling by the puddle reading and relaxing! Quite the life! I was fortunate this summertime to get to Mt Hood twice, which was awesome. Equally ever, lots to work on and it was nifty to focus on my technique and go a lot of fourth dimension on snow free skiing.

In August, I flew from Nantucket Island, MA to Mt. Hood and got a lot of comments about my SRD pack and ski boots. Needles to say, they don't see a lot of skiers there ever and peculiarly in the middle of the summertime!

During my 2d trip to Mt Hood in August I met young man SRD athletes Informal Johnson and Sofia Yubero. It was heady to meet and become friends with other Squadra team members. I call back that it is actually one of the coolest parts of ski racing at this level – I have met then many astonishing people from across the country. The campsite was a lot fun and very helpful. Working with my new coaches at Burke I can already see improvements in my technique and I am and then excited!
I am back at school at present at Burke and information technology is everything I hoped for and more. It is so cute hither, the sunsets are incredible! The kids are awesome and the work outs are challenging. My classes are great – really busy correct at present every bit we do every bit much as possible before ski flavor starts. So far this fall I completed my starting time round of physical testing and I did pretty well, but there is room for comeback and I'm excited to see my progress. I am actually amazed at how much stronger I already am after merely three weeks of forcefulness grooming. I am likewise playing soccer which is e'er a blast and it's fun to be office of a team again.

It is already getting colder here in Northern Vermont – the leaves are changing and information technology is pretty spectacular! I took the movie below final week on campus. Wintertime hither nosotros come up! Tin can't wait!!!

.)) Paige Lorenze

How-do-you-do everyone! The spring started off with a very cold start! It even snowed but a few weeks ago.

In early on April we had spring suspension and I travelled down to South Carolina with my best friend from abode to visit my grandparents at Kiawah Island. It was so much fun. Information technology was really relaxing and it felt good to accept a suspension afterwards the long wintertime! I rode my bike on the beach every day which was great for my recovery.

Dorsum at school nosotros are doing lots (and lots) of dry out state training. To start off the spring nosotros did concrete testing. I did pretty well in everything, and I improved my scores significantly since the fall. It'due south overnice to see all of my hard work paying off! I am also playing lacrosse which is my favorite sport not on snowfall. This by weekend I was home for Mother's solar day and ran in my first 5K race. It was actually fun and I came in second for my age group (19 and under).

The biggest news I have to share is that I have made the conclusion to switch schools for next year. I am going to be attention Burke Mountain Academy and I am beyond excited to start the plan there next year! It is a lot further abroad from abode, which will exist hard, only I believe that information technology is the best place for me to develop and achieve the goals I have gear up for myself. My first military camp is at the end of June and I can't wait to get back on snow!!!

.)) Paige Lorenze